Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)

Program description

Align your passion and professional experience with academic scholarship. Make an impact in your field and community. The Doctor of Business Administration is a research-based doctoral program that focuses on applied, scholarly and evidence-based research. The DBA program has an innovative, hybrid design that takes you through three phases of deep learning and professional reflections. As a working professional, you’ll have the opportunity to address real-life management issues. You’ll focus on current challenges that businesses and societies face, and you’ll anticipate the challenges of the future.
Through course work, you’ll advance your knowledge in management theories, emerging research themes and methodological approaches. Focusing on your research problem, you’ll have the opportunity to dive deep into academic scholarship and reflect on your experience.
Through your doctoral research, you’ll scrutinize assumptions that underpin dominant management theories and practices. You’ll develop and produce knowledge that empowers organizations, industries and communities. Your novel contributions to the advancement of management knowledge and practices will help you take your place as a leader in your field. We are excited to have you join our community of researchers who seek to advance the understanding of management knowledge and practices and shape the future of businesses and societies.

Program delivery

The Doctor of Business Administration is a rigorous research-based doctoral program.
Delivered through the blended learning model, this 180-credit, full-time program includes:

KIMT' DBA is designed to allow you to earn a doctoral degree without putting your career on hold. You can integrate your classroom study and research with your current work experience, allowing you to make an impact in your field of practice.

DBA in phases

The DBA program takes place in three phases:

1. DBA Foundations

The foundation phase lasts one calendar year and consists of credit transfer, online blocks and a self-directed study period.

The goal of this phase is to ground you in theory and sound methodological approaches to help you engage in quality research.

2. Research Preparation

The research preparation phase runs over one calendar year and consists of selecting research topics, discussing them with the supervisor and research proposal preparation followed by a self-directed study period. During the study period, you’ll participate in online activities, which will help you to engage in meaningful dialogues with other students, scholars and colleagues.

The aim of this phase is to develop a focus for your original research study, which will become your dissertation.

3. Execution and Writing

The execution and writing phase runs over 1 year. In this stage, you’ll conduct your research in coordination with your dissertation supervisory committee.

Toward the end of your third, you’ll participate in online activities designed to share your conference.


The DBA curriculum consists of 180 ECTS credits of postgraduate study, offered as modular fashion. DBA-candidates transfer 60 ECTS credits from the Master (MPhil/MSC) degree, and need to complete 3 mandatory course work (60 ECTS) and complete the DBA programme by a final Thesis/Dissertation (60 ECTS credits) focused on a specific field or industry of management.


What You'll Study

Applicants have to submit research proposal with detailed description of his/her research area. Upon approval with the supervisor student will be allowed start its dissertation work. Applicants are asked to contact admission committee to know more about research proposal prior to start the program. 

Dissertation Grading Criteria
Criteria Credits
Research and Purpose 18
Development 18
Organization 17
Material Source 17
Sentence Structure 17
Grammar and Mechanics 16

The DBA program follows the general admission requirements and procedures with the following additional requirements and procedures.

Decisions regarding admission to the doctoral program will be made on the basis of the applicant’s academic qualifications and achievements, fit with the program’s areas of specialization, demonstrated interests and capacity in a scholarly and/or applied research within the chosen specialization, and the availability of an appropriate supervisor.

Personal Statement

At the time of application, prospective students should submit a personal statement (Maximum4 pages), including:

DBA programme duration

3 study years full time (can be completed in 2 years with 60 transfer credits) 60 ECTS in coursework plus 120 ECTS for DBA Thesis

Programme modality

Online DBA programme.

submission of assignments. There is one marked assignment per module.yuyutyutyuty

Study language

The programme is conducted in English proficiency is required for the DBA programme.

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In admitting students to the program, the Ph.D. Program Council will take into account the availability of potential dissertation supervisors.  During the first two years in the program, students in consultation with the Ph.D. Program Coordinator will be designated a supervisor who will assist in the development of the student’s dissertation topic.  The assignment of a supervisor will occur no later than two months following the successful completion of the student’s comprehensive examination. The supervisor will be appointed on the basis of his or her expertise in relation to the student’s dissertation.  Where a student in the program has identified an appropriate supervisor, every effort will be made to ensure that he or she is appointed as the supervisor.


KIMT will carry out the internal assessment. On this course, you’ll be assessed by coursework in your first year. The degree is awarded when you submit your thesis and successfully defend it by oral examination (viva-voce) at the end of your research.

Overall workload

Your overall workload consists of contact hours (lectures, seminars, research group meetings and meetings with your supervisor), independent learning and assessments. For full-time students, the workload should be roughly equivalent to a full-time job. For part-time students, this will reduce in line with the amount of time you have allocated to complete the programme.

Feedback summary

Once you submit your dissertation, it normally takes three months for the thesis to be reviewed by an examination team. The viva exam normally takes place towards the end of this three-month period


A Request for Information (RFI) is a formal document for requesting information needed to perform an assessment and understanding of the product or service needed and  an equitable and simultaneous comparison of vendors/sources .
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