Animals used as a form of control during lockdown

Pets were used as a tool for coercive control and abuse during the pandemic, a new study has revealed.

It is amongst the latest findings from a major research project by UWS into the impact of the Covid-19 lockdown on those living with domestic abuse.

Interviews with call handlers of domestic abuse helplines revealed that victims’ animals had either been directly hurt during lockdown, or threats by the abuser to hurt victims’ pets prevented them from fleeing abusive situations over concerns for their animal’s safety.

Dr Roxanne Hawkins, Lecturer in Psychology at UWS, said: “Our research has revealed the impact of the pandemic on domestic abuse victims and with this comes the use of pets as tools of abuse, to exert control and coercion over the family. This has been documented by domestic abuse helpline staff, who have received calls from victims who have experienced threats by abusers to kill, harm, remove or cease access to the animal, usually cats or dogs.”

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